
Programming Languages Workshops


AI with DialogFlow Workshop

The workshop introduces the basic concept of how to build AI chatbot with DialogFlow

Introduction To ReactJS

In this workshop, the more advance front-end development skill were taught using ReactJS Libary


Web Development Workshop

In this workshop, the basics of programming a website was taught, specifically using HTML and CSS, the most-used programming language to develop a website.

Java Programming Workshop

In this workshop, the basics of programming were taught using Java, starting from the installation, the syntax, until conditional logic, together with a live coding session.

Python Gaming Workshop

In this workshop, python was taught to the members to create a simple shooting game.


Javascript Beginner Workshop

This workshop was to introduce the fundamentals of Javascript and applying it through project-based learning.

PHP Workshop

The workshop introduces the basic syntax of PHP that can be used in web development alongside HTML, CSS & Javascript.

HTML Forms Workshop

The workshop introduces the fundamentals of HTML and the syntax used to build HTML Forms.

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.