
Other Activites

Welcoming Party

Welcoming parties are held to welcome the new members into the club and introduce them to the activities we have as well as the EXCOs and BODs of Agents of Tech

  • E-Welcoming Party

    Welcoming parties are held to welcome the new members into the club and introduce them to the activities we have as well as the EXCOs and BODs of Agents of Tech

    E-Welcoming Party
  • Physical Welcoming Party

    Where there will be food and games session with the members

    Physical Welcoming Party

    Movie Nights

    A night with the members to enjoy the movie Tenet, a science fiction action-thriller film which is based roughly on actual science.

    • Tenet

      A night with the members to enjoy the movie Tenet, a science fiction action-thriller film which is based roughly on actual science.


      Club and Society Day

      E-CnS are held via Discord during the beginning of each semester to showcase our club and to allow the new students to join us

      • E-CnS Day

        E-CnS are held via Discord during the beginning of each semester to showcase our club and to allow the new students to join us

        E-CnS Day
        Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
        Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.